Tuesday, December 5, 2017



Vodacom NXT LVL Episode 1; Theo.Fill.Us introduction

Theofilus 'Theo.Fill.Us' Seretse; 23 year old music producer, pianist, drummer, guitarist, vocalist & sound engineering student from Klipgat, a small rural village outside Pretoria, South Africa is humbly asking for your votes to help him win The Vodacom Next Level (NXT LVL) competition, a TV reality show where several young contestants are competing for a prize worth R1 million, which is aimed at supporting them so that they can manage their careers themselves. 

      Inline images 2

Vodacom NXT LVL gives vocalists, DJs, hip-hop artists and bands the chance to make their dreams of becoming music stars come true. To be selected to participate Vodacom customers between the ages 18 to 24 were required to download the ‘My Vodacom App’, subscribe to the NXT LVL platform and upload a video or audio clip of themselves performing.From the entries received, only five acts including our star Theo.Fill.Us were selected. The five finalists then underwent an intensive 10-week master class with five of the biggest names in South African pop music: DJ Zinhle, Ricky Rick, Euphonic, Danny K and Big Nuz.

                                                       Inline images 6

The culmination of their hard work will be broadcast live on the final episode, taking place at The Dome in Johannesburg on Mzansi Magic (Channel 161 DSTV) this Wednesday, 6 December 21:30. The Dome will be the final battlefield where the finalists will pull out everything to win the sweet prize, which includes exposure through a public relations agency to help build their brand and a lawyer to assist and draft the contracts pertaining to music rights and royalties.

                                           51 second clip of Theo's first performance for the judges

In order to vote for Theo.Fill.Us to win, please SMS Theo to 33573. 60% of the final vote will be based on SMS votes while the remainder will be the judges decision. We are also giving away TWO DOUBLE TICKETS to people who voted the most times for Theo, these tickets will allow the winners to be seated in the section allocated specifically to Theo's fans & supporters. Just email or Wats App me a screengrab by 10AM tomorrow, proving you voted for Theo & the golden tickets could be yours.

Inline images 5

Theo's TV studio performance

  • Listen to Theo's selfmade beats & music: Theo.Fill.Us on SoundCloud
  • Read more about the competition here: Vodacom 
  • For Theo.Fill.Us media queries, please don't hesitate to contact me:

Friday, May 5, 2017



In my last blog post I shared pics & vids of a creepy reptilian shapeshifting reporter Kevin Ozebek live on ENCA news channel based in South Africa. Yesterday I captured another freaky alien reporter Olly Barrat with similar slit, snake like pupils who was also corresponding for ENCA news live from London, UK. Watch the video above…

The lizard was talking to South African anchor & what I presume is a Zionist/reptilian collaborator, Jeremy Maggs at ENCA studios in Johannesburg, about 95-year-old Prince Phillip’s retirement from public life as of today. 

Britain's longest lived monarch Queen Elizabeth II with her ugly as fuck husband Prince Philip... Jerrre, you are one fugly son of a bitch Philip, inside and out. your dried up cunt wife too.  I'm not scared of any of you royals so voetsek to hell where you'll end up sooner or later.
According to Olly’s social media accounts, he hatched from his egg in London in May 6 1979 (happy b-day lizard man) where he currently lives and works. He shares a few things in common with the reptilian/human hybrid reporter Kevin Ozebek I filmed last time which are too hard to ignore.

Similarities between Kevin Ozebek and Olly Barratt
  • They graduated from journalism school in 2007 and got their first gigs that same year.
  • They covered major crisis events (Kevin did Sandy Hook Massacre, Olly did Brussels Terror attacks). 
  • In both stories, they were corresponding live for ENCA from a London studio between the 6 & 7pm LIVE broadcast.
  • Their stories involved key withdrawals of major British powers from common European affairs (Kevin was discussing BREXIT, UKs withdrawal plan from EU. Olly was explaining Prince Phillip’s withdrawal from public appearances)
  • They are trusted correspondents for ENCA
  • They looked creepy on TV; other than their pointy ears, teeth and freaky snake eyes, something is just not right about them
  • They look like pale, soulless, emotionless things in their Twitter, Linked In and FB pro pics (Like those vampires from the Twilight movies)
Compare Kevin Ozebek left and Olly Barratt right. Look at their faces, their eyes. Don't they seem synthetic, artificial, robotic, soulless? 
In conspiracy research  D.U.M.B is an acronym  for Deep Underground Military Bases where top secret joint military and alien intelligences partake in illegal 'black projects' like human cloning, DNA splicing, mind control, hi-tech weapons development, all the sci-fi shit you can think of. Is it a coincidence someone suspected of being a shapeshifter has this on his Twitter account as a joke? 

3 basic ways to spot reptilian shapeshifting reporters
Keep in mind that reptilian agents, human or non-human, control all the world’s major news channels (FOX NEWS, CBS NEWS, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, SKY NEWS, ABC, BBC, AL-JAZEERA, RT) from which other national news channels like ENCA directly source their news from.

The apparent attacker responsible for the Westminster Terror Attacks in London on March 22, which coincidentally happened on the one year anniversary of the Brussels Terror Attacks Olly covered, coincidence? Look closely at his right pupil, see anything slit?

The vast majority of the cameramen, editors, directors, anchors and reporters working for the major channels are part of the reptilian agenda to brainwash humanity into accepting a one world government called the New World Order, which will see the destruction of 95% of the human population & total enslavement of the survivors.  

Therefore channels like ENCA are indirectly supporting the agenda as well so ENCA collaborators should also be punished by a peoples tribunal when we crush the reptilians' heads. Reporters presenting for the major channels constantly experience shapeshifting glitches but they are covered up in the editing room before going public. However, it’s a whole different ball game if the glitches happen on live TV. Here are a few things I’ve learnt to spot these reptilian/human hybrid imposters.

1. Eyes: Slit, vertical pupils which sometimes change colour & extremely excessive blinking, like 100 to 200 times a minute, more than 15 times in 10 secs. They blink in order to reset the morphing of their slit pupils back into human form because the eyes are the first give away when they lose control of their fake human form and eyes are the most difficult part to mimic for them.

2.Tongue flicking: Just like regular snakes & lizards which use their tongues to smell the air, some reptilians also find it difficult to fight their physiological serpent instinct to flick their tongues out, even if the anchor/reporter is in mid-sentence. Kind of brings literal meaning to the saying “speaks with a fork tongue” doesn’t it? Because that’s exactly what these reptilian reporters do, speak hypocritically. Their tongues tend to be sharp, long, sometimes black & they flick them much faster than a person would if they were licking their lips.  Also, their teeth tend to be unusually sharp

Sometimes the urge to flick their tongues out is so strong that reptilians cant help sticking it out even during news interviews. Watch interview
3.Hologram malfunction: Some reptilians wear electronic holographic clothes which project the image of a human on top of their serpent bodies. I'm not sure if it’s a full body suite or just a small device like a watch, but during the glitch the hologram becomes over pixelated. Think of those old-school PlayStation 1 graphics or when a Skype call experiences delay and the video turns into tiny square blocks. If you’re watching the news and the journalist becomes distorted & blocky but his/her surroundings stay normal, you are watching a real time reptilian hologram malfunction.

This kind of hologram glitch is called LED pixelation or something like that, the tech is something similar to LED TVs...
OOPS, GOT YA BITCH! Live TV glitch, cant cover that up :) Sometimes reporters aren't real at all, they are projected with 3D holograms for fake news stories, think of the 2Pac or Brenda Fassie holograms. 

Ok like Seriously, WTF is that?! Set it on fire!
  • Do you know other ways of spotting a shapeshifting reptilian journalist?

Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh: Confirmed full blooded reptilian elite
The British Royal Family have long been linked to ungodly occult activities like blood drinking & human sacrifices. For example, Prince Charles openly admitted to being related to Vlad the Impaler, a 15 century Romanian warlord who  impaled 15,000 Turks on stakes and ate bread dipped in the blood of his victims. Infact the legends of Dracula the vampire came from Vlad the Impaler plus the British Royals have openly expressed interest in buying Transylvania, yep as in Dracula’s castle where Vlad the Impaler used to live and slowly torture people to death!

Charles, Prince of Wales, son of Prince Phillip told media that he is "a descendant of Dracula." Its an open known fact, Uuh isnt anybody freaked out that Queen Elizabeth's heir is bragging about being a descendant of a fucking cannibal?!

In this 15 sec video Prince Charles states he is related to Vlad the Impaler, therefore has a stake in the country. Quite interesting he should use the word stake lol

Vlad The Impaler  1431-1476, who inspired the Dracula myth was born  in Transylvania, Romania. His name means dragon in Romanian and he was also called Vlad Dracula "Son of the Devil." Prince Charles, son of Prince Philip, is related to Vlad  through his great grand mother Queen Mary, George Vs wife, therefore he claims the right to be Romania's next royal ruler. Good luck Romania!

Now back to Prince Phillip, a recently resurfaced video appears to suggest that Prince Philip’s membership to the reptilian master race might not be as far-fetched as previously thought. Especially since he is married to Queen Elizabeth, arguably the highest ranked reptilian hybrid on Earth and it is openly known that he is related to many other European royal families, who are all elite human/reptilian/hybrid bloodlines who have been interbreeding for millennia.

Check out Prince Charles's right eye, the eyes are the first thing to go when  shapeshifting reptilian hybrids loose concentration and momentarily loose their human disguise
  • Are the British Royals shapeshifting lizard aliens?

During BBC2’s evening coverage of Queen Elizabeth's 90th bday parade on June 2016, shapeshifting reptilian sightings peaked across the UK, with the hashtag #ReptilianQueen briefly entering Twitter’s top 10 trending topics. As the trending topic began attracting attention the tweets with the #ReptilianQueen hashtag and the accounts behind them began to disappear, a witness said he actually saw the Tweets get deleted one by one in real time as he was screen grabbing them, "Tweets were lasting 10, maybe 20 seconds at most before getting removed. Twitter was right on it, it was a serious operation, nothing was getting past them."

After the Queens shapeshifting glitch nearly went viral, it was reported that an internal document acknowledging that Queen Elizabeth is a shapeshifting reptilian was briefly published as a press release on the Royal Family’s official website (www.royal.uk) before being abruptly taken down – but not before alert internet users captured screenshots of the extraordinary article and proof that the press release did appear on Google. Gotcha bitch!

The word Beth is also a Hebrew letter & it means ‘House’. Hence the title ‘Queen Elizabeth’ actually means ‘Ruler of The Lizard House’. As she’s the Queen of England, then England must be the ‘Lizard House’ where the highest concentration of lizards is to be found. Apparently she said we must learn to accept her for what she is. Yeah I've accepted you are a pathetic lizard thing humanity will soon squash under its boots, when people discover all the children you kill & eat you disgusting, dried up cunt!
During a 2009 Prince Philip interview which resurfaced this year, the elderly monarch’s eyes appear to take on snake-like appearance as his pupils transform in both colour and shape but soon return to normal state afterwards. The video, taken from a YouTube users channel is below.

  •                   Do you think Olly Barrat is a human or some kind of robotic clone?

I could be wrong, maybe Olly is a regular boring London chap with weird pupils who poses like a lifeless mannequin for his pictures. But then again these reptilians are masters at deception, they can easily create an entire fake life on social networks to give the impression of a real human when we are actually looking at a robotic clone. My gut feeling says something is eerily wrong with this dude. I could be just paranoid though, for humanity’s sake I hope so.

  • Is ENCA working with reptilian shapeshifters or am I going crazy?

I’d really love to read your opinions in the comments section. Don’t forget to subscribe and smash the like + share buttons so we can raise humanity’s awareness of the reptilian invaders. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


The moment I saw this slimy reptilian shapeshifter disguised as a human news reporter called Kevin Ozebek, I whipped my smartphone out & started shooting this footage as proof that lizard aliens have also infiltrated South Africa’s 'leading independent’ 24-hour TV news channel ENCA.

The lizard/human hybrid was acting as a live correspondent from a studio in London, UK communicating with presumably female human anchor Iman Rappetti in Johannesburg, South Africa about the UK’s withdrawal plan from the EU called BREXIT a fortnight ago on Wednesday, April 29th 2017 during the 6pm prime time broadcast.


I was totally freaked out when I saw those slit reptilian pupils , slightly changing colour between blue & green, I thought I also noticed his teeth becoming unusually sharp for a few seconds and transitioning back to normal, however those creepy eyes were unmistakably non-human and stayed slit throughout the whole interview.

Lizard eyes, vertical pupils, you think that's a human you are looking at?

A quick background check on LinkedIn reveals Misssster Ozebek has quite an impressive journalism background, he is an American who received his Journalism qualification from Ohio University in the States in 2007. Since graduating he has been reporting all over the U.S, Europe and Middle East covering bloody, horror stories like the Treyvon Martin murder, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings and he’s also covered a variety of Middle East terrorist attacks. Interestingly, he’s also done some correspondence reporting for the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

In the top pic uploaded to Kevin Ozebek's Twitter account in 2015 his pupils are clearly round like a human, but below they're slit. You can also see his skin looks more alive, compared to the synthetic, pale looking skin texture below. But hey, then again camera filters could be the explanation...

What are reptilians?
Reptilians are a very old, ancient race of highly intelligent serpentine humanoids who came from the Draco star constellation in spaceships to settle on Earth as colonisers since the time of the dinosaurs. But according to the Lacerta files, which is an interview with a reptilian woman by a Swedish journalist, a war with an ancient space travelling human race called the Elohim nearly wiped out reptilians from Earth.

Lacerta says the Elohim wanted to make Earth a planet dominated by mammals & not dinosaurs, so they launched a war to exterminate the reptiles. When a stale mate was reached the Elohim detonated a powerful bomb near modern day Mexico which wiped out over 90% of the dinosaurs, human archaeologists have mistaken this nuclear bomb explosion as the asteroid or comet that destroyed the dinosaurs.

Zulu sangoma baba Credo Mutwa during a 1998 interview about  Chitauris (reptilians). He is sitting infront of his painting depicting a chitauri & holding an a metal carving of a chituari head created in ancient Africa.

However, not all of the reptilians were destroyed. Some escaped to the moon, Mars, Venus and the moons of Saturn & Jupiter, some escaped to alternate dimensions and others went hiding in deep underground cities for millions of years, this is where we get our religious concept of hell being underground. When they returned to the surface of Earth approximately 6 000 years ago, they found that the Elohim had created and installed humans and mammals as the new dominant species of the planet. The reptiles have since vowed to reclaim Earth and have been waging war on humanity ever since.

Related post: Book Review: Slave Species of God

Human interactions with reptilians in ancient times
Encounters with reptilians have been prevalent throughout human history across all human cultures and races and relationships are generally negative. In Christianity they are the serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, in Islam they are invisible beings called Jinn. The ancient Aztects and Mayans in South America referred to them as feathered serpents Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan respectively because of their ability to fly in the skies and crawl into the Earth, both cultures worshiped them as gods and offered them human sacrifices to appease them. In Africa, Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa says in Zulu myth the reptilians came to Earth in flying crafts thousands of years ago and were called Chitauri, in Khemit (Ancient Egypt) the god of the underworld Apep is represented as a giant snake “The Lord of Chaos” and “Evil Lizard.” The myths and legends of dragons in many Asian and European countries also stems from interactions with reptilians.
 Hindu serpent god, Nagas

Genesis Chapter 3. The serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.


What is shapeshifting?

Queen Elizabeth (A Lizard Bitch) one of the most powerful shapeshifting royal reptilian bloodlines
So after resurfacing to discover that humans were the new rulers of Earth, the Elohim’s proud scientific creation (made in their image and likeness) the reptilians sought to infiltrate humanity’s ruling classes (royal families, chiefs, warriors, shamans etc.) by inter-breeding with these human elites and thus introducing human/reptilian hybrids containing both human & reptilian DNA to oppress humanity. The offspring of these relationships became rulers, demi-gods, the pharaohs of The Black Land-Khemit (renamed Egypt by the Greeks), the Dragon Emperors in Asia and the European royal families. The so-called Eastern Establishment in the U.S.A and the European and British Establishment have been intermarrying for thousands of years in the same way to maintain their reptilian bloodline. That is why ALL 45 PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. ARE RELATED.
Vladimir Putin, Russian president is also a reptilian hybrid related to Queen ALizardBitch

Obama is one of them, you cant get into the White House if your not part of the bloodline. The U.S elections are a reality show designed to give Americans the illusion of electing their leaders, when they're actually selected by reptilian elites according to bloodline potency. 

Hillary Clinton coming out of her human shell.

Proof Hillary Clinton is a reptilian hybrid. These lizards are everywhere!

George Bush Senior didn't even bother hiding his reptilian eyes on LIVE TV when he was president.

Do you believe now? All these U.S presidents are space lizards, they're one big gruesome serpent family.

The reptilians are becoming more bold & arrogant in exposing themselves, they've also infiltrated the entertainment biz.

Watch a segment of the 1998 interview where Zulu sangoma Credo Mutwa explains Chitauri (reptilians) in Zulu mythology to a British journalist.
The reason why these human/reptilian hybrids are important to reptilians is because of their ability to shapeshift between human and reptilian form at will, the same way a chameleon or certain octopus species can change their shape, colour and texture for camouflage. The hybrids shapeshift into human form by locking their reptile DNA and unlocking their human DNA, they go to reptile form by locking their human DNA and unlocking their reptilian DNA. The full blood reptilians whom the hybrids answer to lack this ability because of the absence of human genetics, so instead they shapeshift using electronic technology like holograms, projecting a 3D image of a human over their serpent bodies so they can walk among us undetected. This is how reptilians have been able to infiltrate, manipulate and distort contemporary human societies at all levels; media, military, religion, politics, entertainment, education, governments, science, medicine, banking, finance etc with an end goal of creating a one world police state openly ruled by reptilian overlords aka THE NEW WORLD ORDER.


So WTF is Kevin Ozebek exactly?
Kevin Ozebek could have been a real human being, but the reptilians could have seen his reporting abilities as useful to their plans so the original Kevin could have been kidnapped or killed and replaced with a reptilian clone who imitates him convincingly to the untrained eye. Keep in mind, reptilians not only feed on physical human flesh, but they also literally feed on human fear as food, that’s why many reptilian news reporters work at violent areas with lots of human death and suffering, so by virtue of their jobs reporters like Kevin present easy access to these human buffets, therefore it would be convenient for reptilians to clone them. Reptilian reporters can easily draw negative energy at these zones and fan the fear through TV news for reptilians worldwide to feast on, another reason why we only see so much human suffering on news and nothing positive.   

  • Do you think Kevin Ozebek is a reptilian clone or a human, or maybe I'm just crazy?
In the age of CCTV cameras, camera phones & PVR decoders, shapeshifting news reporters/anchors on major news channels, CNN, BBC, SKY, AL-Jazeera, Russia Today, and now ENCA + many more are being increasingly caught out on camera by vigilant human viewers the same way I did. The shapeshifting errors happen when there is a “glitch in the matrix,” when the reptilian hybrids have difficulty maintaining their human image, (look out for reporters blinking incessantly) or a technical malfunction with their human holographic suite which looks like video pixelation. So now that you know, keep your third eye opened for these serpentine imposters when watching the news.  Below is a compilation of shapeshifting glitches by reptilian TV reporters

  • Has ENCA News (channel 403 DSTV) been infiltrated by agents of the reptilians?

Please let me know what you think by dropping your comments below. Dont forget to share or like this post. Anything to show the arrogant reptilians humanity is waking up, uniting & rising against them. They will not win!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


An interesting Google Doodle caught my attention when I logged into the internet on 22 February 2017, it showed Earth and the moon peering through a telescope to discover several friendly planets waving hello at Earths telescope from trillions of kilometers away. This was Googles way of celebrating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) discovery of Trappist-1, a solar system containing 7 Earth like planets which has NASA scientists willing to bet with their balls on a chopping board that they all contain alien life. After years of pressure, could those sneaky nerds at NASA finally be coming out the closet about the existence of aliens?

Major astronomical breakthroughs by NASA and other advanced astronomy organisations within the past five months strongly suggest alien disclosure will happen in 2017, here are seven reasons why I believe the existence of aliens will be officially announced in 2017.

7.MeerKAT radio telescopes in South Africa

The 64 MeerKAT (Karoo Array Telescope) radio telescopes are currently being constructed in the desolate Karoo region, about an hour drive from the one-horse desert town of Carnarvon, located in South Africa’s least populated province, the Northern Cape.  MeerKat is a precursor to the multi-billion Rand SKA (Square Kilometer Array) which is a project that will see the construction of the largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world situated in SA & Australia respectively because of their premium views of the Milky Way galaxy and little radio interference.  Meerkat will consist of thousands of satellite dishes in SA and smaller versions in 8 other African countries behaving as one telescope scanning the stars, construction of the entire SKA and Meerkat grid is set to be completed in 2024, they’ll exceed NASA’s Hubble Space Telescopes resolution by a million times!

On my 29th birthday, July 16, 2016,  MeerKAT achieved its first significant scientific milestone by using 16 of its eventual 64 dishes. In a small patch of sky (LEFT) covering less than 0.01 percent of the entire celestial sphere, the MeerKAT First Light image shows more than 1300 galaxies in the distant Universe, compared to 70 known in this location prior to MeerKAT (RIGHT) All 64 MeerKAT satellites are scheduled to go online this year.

Construction of all 64 13.5-meter diameter, 4 story high MeerKAT satellites is set for completion sometime in 2017 and will be the largest most sensitive radio telescope in the world when its 100% operational. However, the first time MeerKAT turned its eyes to the sky on July 16 2016 (MY 29th BIRTHDAY!), it saw more than 1 200 unknown galaxies in a patch of universe where only 70 were previously known, this was with just 16 of the planned 64 dishes functioning. The purpose of this science project is to answer some fundamental questions about the universe such as what happened after the Big Bang? What is Dark Matter? And the most pertinent of all, ARE WE ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE?
President Jacob Zuma inspecting progress at the SKA site in 2012

If MeerKAT could detect so much at 25% capacity, imagine what kind of shit MeerKAT let alone SKA will detect when the entire project is operational. Maybe artificial radio signals from an advanced alien civilisation? Even the SKA website  says “SKA will be so sensitive it will be able to detect an airport radar on a planet tens of light years away.” Who knows? Maybe alien disclosure won’t even be made by NASA, but by South African SKA scientists.

  • Do you think alien life will be announced by SKA/MeerKat scientists in South Africa?

6    6.CERN facility in Switzerland

The European Organisation for Nuclear Research Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) was founded in 1954 originally by 12 western European nations but has expanded to include tens of thousands of scientists from 22 European states and just as many collaborative countries from every continent, it is the world’s largest machine and most expensive (£2 billion) particle physics laboratory & it’s also the birthplace of the internet. Some of CERNS experiments include studying the after effects of the Big Bang theory and the nature of Dark Matter (the mysterious force that binds or unbinds stuff in the universe).

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) below the France/Switzerland boarder is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. It is a 27km ring that accelerates particles to almost the speed of light in order to crash them against each other, cos paying billions of dollars to crash microscopic shit really interests to physicists.

WTF!? They put 666 on their logo? Oh that's really cute.
CERNs crème de la crème is the Large Hydron Collidor (LHC), basically a 27km wide hula-hoop situated 100m under the France/Switzerland boarder. This tunnel’s purpose is to simulate the first moments of the creation of the universe by accelerating atomic particles towards each other at close to the speed of light, then super computers and physicists from around the world study the shit that results from these collisions. CERN also has plans to increase the speeds of the colliding particles by 2026, coincidentally around the same time SKA is scheduled for completion, could there be a connection?  In 2012 these sub-atomic collisions apparently lead to the discovery of the Higgs Boson or God Particle which is said to be the fundamental building block of all matter in existence.

CERN engineers doing some work on the LHC, looks like a cool job I must admit.

Geeky shit and PR gimmicks aside, many independent researchers believe that there is a much more sinister motive behind the experiments at CERN and that is to open a portal that will allow highly malevolent beings from another world to enter ours and vice versa, create a black hole that could implode Earth and distort time and the weather. Obviously, CERN denies all of these accusations but sort of confirms them ambiguously, such as in CERNs media site where they say they’re not opening portals to other dimensions but their experiments could “prove the existence of extra-dimensions.” Interestingly, in 2009 CERN’s Director for Research & Scientific Computing Sergio Bertolucci openly said “out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.”

That's some creepy shit to say, now you got me thinking of how demons entered our world in the movie Hellboy.
CERN be like, "lets put a statue of a Hindu god of destruction on our premises, that will totally creep people the fuck out"

First the 666 logo, then the Shiva statue, now the facility is built on some ancient devil worshipping site, what the actual fuck?!
CERN also deny their machine has the capabilities of influencing weather patterns, even though members of the public have filmed and photographed scary weather anomalies directly over the LHC such as gigantic thunder clouds with “faces” in them and there is even a video of a swirling cloud with a UFO clearly seen floating and disappearing into it. CERN is also built on the location of an ancient Roman temple honouring the pagan god Apollo, known as Abaddon in Hebrew and Apollyon in ancient Greek who according to Revelations in the bible is an angel who has the key to opening the bottomless pit (hell). The fact that CERN has a statue of the Hindu god of destruction Shiva right outside its HQ only adds fuel to the fire so to speak. Could aliens visit our world underground through CERN and not from space as we’ve been conditioned?

While some believe the footage of a UFO disappearing into a swirling cloud over CERN was a hoax, others believe this is proof CERN is up to no good. The video is below, is it real or fancy CGI?

Is it just me suffering from pareidolia, or is there a big fucking menacing skull in the cloud formation?! These clouds apparently appeared directly over head during CERNS AWAKE experiment. WTF were you waking up?!

You tell 'em Stevie!

  • Are CERN scientists completely honest about the kind of research they are doing? 

5.UFO blowing up Space-X rocket

Last year December, when Facebook and Space-X, a rocket company founded by South African born billionaire Elon Musk, was testing a rocket  containing a satellite belonging to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, which was reportedly supposed to provide free broadband internet access to 14 African countries including South Africa as well as the Middle East, a super-fast UFO zipped in out of nowhere and blew up the rocket by firing a few beams of light at the rockets tip, then disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The slowed down video of the explosion and the UFO is below

In an official press statement Elon Musk said the explosion that cost him $390 million and destroyed Mark’s $200million cargo was caused by an “anomaly.” A lot of people on the internet say the anomaly was just a bird, others say it was UFO or a drone sent to destroy the Israeli made Amos-6 satellite which probably had an agenda other than supplying free internet to Africa and Middle East.
                                                  Mark Zuckerberg was fucking pissed!

  • Did a UFO blow up the Facebook rocket? 

      4.Donald Trump’s UFO escourts and his “unlocking mysteries of space” speech

The day before President Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of America on January 20th 2017 not one but two flying saucers were filmed by mainstream news channel Fox 10 tailing his government plane as it flew him from New York to Washington D.C for his presidential inauguration.

But this was not the first-time President Trump received a UFO escourt, during his presidential campaign in the state of Iowa in November 2016, Trump gave some kids a ride in his chopper. That same chopper was photographed being followed by a floating “blob.” The photographer who wishes to remain anonymous said that he took the photo with his phone as Trump’s plane was flying overhead but only noticed the UFO later when he was sitting in the shade to see how the pic came out.

One of the things that stuck out during his inauguration speech was “we stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease & to harness the energies, industries & technologies of tomorrow…” Interestingly most UFO/alien researchers  believe that when aliens reveal themselves to humanity, they will offer us technology that will give us unlimited free electricity and medicines that will heal diseases we haven’t cured yet in order to get us to trust them, just like in the TV series V, where the “visitors” gain humanity’s trust by healing the sick, but later reveal themselves to have malevolent intents after we let our guard down.

  • Was President Donald Trump being escourted by UFOs from another planet, or maybe they were secret US Airforce crafts?

  • Do you think President Trump will be announcing the existence of aliens this year?

      3.Discovery of Trappist-1

In February, NASA astronomers detected seven exo-planets (planets revolving around a star other than our own) revolving around a small, dwarf star called Trappist-1 in the Aquarius star constellation 40 light years away (light travels approximately 10 trillion kilometers in a year) so when geeks say ‘just 40 light years away’ they actually mean 40 trillion kilometers away, good luck packing a suitcase for a vacation in Trappist.

The seven Earth like planets are labelled Trappist-1b, c, d, e, f, g & h but right now astronomers are placing their bets on Trappist-1e, f & g to have liquid oceans as they orbit in their suns Goldilocks Zone, which is the orbital region which isn’t too hot or too cold to support organic life. The Hubble Space Telescope is already zooming into these planets to detect if they have atmospheres while satellites such as the European Extremely Large Telescope and the James Webb Telescope which are currently under construction will be “able to search for water and perhaps even evidence of life on these worlds.” Thomas Zurbuchen from NASA told journalists at a press conference in Washington “this gives us a hint that finding a second Earth is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when.’” Hhmm, is that a hint?

  • Do you think there could be alien life on any of Trappist-1s planets?

      2.  Fast Radio Burst 121102

Fast Radio Bursts or FRBs are incomprehensively powerful bursts of energy which produce as much energy as the sun outputs in 10 000 years in the space of a few milliseconds, that's much quicker than the blink of an eye or a camera's fastest shutter speed. The first FRBs detected in modern times was discovered by radio telescopes in North America in 2007 and have been pin pointed to a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away (This is faaaaaar away). One distinct FRB however, detected by the Arecibo Observatory in the small island of Puerto Rico in 2012, recurred multiple times in a pattern, unlike other FRBs which occur in once of pulses, the FRB detected in Puerto Rico was called FRB 121102 and has become a source of much excitement in the global astronomy community.


Out of the 18 FRBs detected since 2007, half of those were emitted by FRB 121102 pin-pointed to a specific region in a yet unnamed galaxy by using 27 radio telescopes called the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico, USA over the course of six months and 83 observable hours, these finding were presented during the American Astronomical Society meeting on January 4, 2017. There have been various speculations as to what causes FRBs, some astronomers say exploding suns called supernovas, others think they’re ejections from black holes but these theories are not plausible because this kind of phenomena don’t produce pulses repeatedly unlike FRB 121102. Leaving one plausible explanation many ‘serious’ scientists are shying away from, alien space ships.

Let’s let our imagination run wild a bit, since it is unlikely that FRB 121102 is a natural phenomena, then shouldn’t it be artificial? What if it is energy from the engines of one or several mega sized spacecraft, spaceships the size of planets, powering up and propelling the craft at faster than light speeds for travel across the universe? Just the same way engines from a jet plane propel airplanes across our skies using jet engines. In March this year, a team of  Harvard astrophysics released a statement saying FRBs such as 121102 “could be from an unfathomably large solar radio transmitter using photonic propulsion to push spaceships across the universe…they could be leakage from planet-sized transmitters powering interstellar probes in distant galaxies.” Could FRBs be used as another method of detecting technologically advanced alien civilizations?

  • Do you think FRBs are caused by planet sized alien space ships or are they just natural occurrences?

1    1. Cover up of life on Mars

Whats really happening there Mars? Are you dead or alive?

If you look closer, just a little bit closer, at the official NASA images of Mars they’re using to convince us it is a lifeless, waterless, desolate planet, you can actually see their very own pics contradict this. Infact, NASAs very own photos of the moon, Mars and space in general prove that the universe is teaming with life, but NASA is engaged in a cover up to mislead Earthlings about the existence of aliens for whatever agenda they’re pushing. 

The laughable official version about life on Mars from NASA is that it may have had “miniscule” traces of microbial life when it was covered by oceans billions of years ago. And while “experts” today debate if liquid water exists on its surface, we are being distracted from the fact that all the robots NASA has been sending to Mars, including the latest rover Curiosity, have photographed various forms of wildlife similar to Earth and other exotic weird creatures, artistic artifacts, temple ruins and even humans scattered about its surface. Ofcourse, NASA always has corny explanations to brush away this blatant proof that life is thriving on Mars. Here are several pictures from NASA showing life on Mars, in the captions I included NASAs cheesy cover up explanations insulting our intelligence. Their most common explanation? Pareidolia, when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects such as faces or animal shapes in clouds or rocks, in other words people are seeing what they want to see.  

The spoon on Mars was captured by a Mars rover, official NASA explanation; "unique rock formation."
The "Dark Lady on Mars", with a nice pair of breasts, photographed by Curiosity Rover in 2015, some speculate its a living person and not a statue because a statue (along with those juicy boobs) would have eroded long ago ,official explanation? "just a rock."

The rock formation referred to as "Buddha Statue" because it resembles a Buddhist statue to some, (looks like Black guy with an afro to me) photographed by Curiosity Rover in 2015. Just another interesting "rock formation" says NASA

The Martian Monkey, photographed by Curiosity rover on February 2016, is it living or is it a statue

The statue of a Black man's head called Obama Head photographed by Spirit rover is one of the many artifacts found on Mars by NASAs robotic explorers, Explanation? "Natutal rock formation" of course

The "Walking Figure" photographed in 2016, is a tiny 3cm humanoid that appears to be climbing up some steep rocks and using its arms to maintain balance. Many pics of tiny people have been captured, & they seem to be a common life form on Mars.

In 1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1 and Viking 2, to Mars. As Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. NASA says its just a "pile of rocks and a trick of light and shadows." How retarded does NASA think we are?

Just a few kilometers from the Face on Mars is a pyramid city similar to the pyramids in Africa.  Answer this NASA, Since when do a "pile of rocks" form a perfect pentagon?

Coincidentally, NASAs "pile of rocks" seem to be perfectly symmetrical polygonal shapes and faces. Nature doesn't just pile up rocks symmetrically, I mean how gullible must you be to believe this?

  • Do you think NASA is hiding the truth from us about the existence of aliens?

  • Will alien disclosure finally happen in 2017?
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